Okay, I have begun another blog recently, where I’m documenting a series of 30 day challenges I am assigning to myself. CLICK HERE if you want to see my monthly challenge blog. Today, the first day of October, I began making an ink sketch every day of the month. I mentioned it to my daughter, who replied “Oh, my friend’s doing this thing called Inktober. There’s a series of prompts, and you submit a drawing every day. I’ll send you the prompts.” Well, turns out that a certain Jake Parker started his own challenge, coincidentally in October, back in 2009. Not only a daily sketch challenge, but in ink, just like mine! CLICK HERE to check out the official Inktober page. I’m definitely going to participate. Today’s prompt was “swift.” Here’s my entry: But the real point for this blog is the coincidence. Is it not weird to find exactly the same 31 day challenge I made up, in the same month and same media?
This is a blog about the odd coincidences I come across in life. I've learned from Shankar Vendantam on the podcast "Hidden Brain" that these coincidences are never as surprising to others as they are to those who experience them. But, I think they happen to me more often, and mine are weirder than most. You be the judge.